Spray painting the primer on the inside walls of New Cottage in the Woods.

Seal It Up Tight

One of the things I have learned through my “net zero” education is the importance of sealing up the shell of the buildings. I witnessed the haphazard performance of the advanced weather barrier wraps over the years, and it seemed like it was time for an advance in science and methodology of these wraps. And…

Example of a luxurious bathroom built by Rick Bernard of Bernard Custom Homes for the Barritz, popular in the 1980-90s.

Thoughts on Hot Water Energy

As the primary maintenance guy for my home, I like under counter mounted sinks, because of the ease of clean-up. The raised lip of self rimming sinks is a constant challenge to clean up. No more, just sweep the water and /or crumbs directly into the bowl. Presto-no hassle! As I work on the plans…

Net Zero Energy Consumption

Net Zero Energy Consumption means that over the occupancy of the home, there is no loss of energy over the year.  The home collects energy from the sun and is so well constructed that it loses a very small amount through the walls, windows floors or ceilings. It is in the neophyte developmental stage in this…