Kitchen Stove and Cabinets - New Cottage in the Woods with Rick Bernard

Unexpected / Unanticipated Magic in My New Home

I find it a little difficult to admit to the absolutely unplanned magic in my new home. Six months ago I had a logger friend of mine haul off 5 to 6 tree trunks to his portable saw mill to create some veneers to skin the glu laminated beams exposed in my great room ceiling.…

Kitchen Faucet - auto-sensor - New Cottage in the Woods with Rick Bernard

Some Assembly Required. . .

I am at the stage where some of the systems that were installed months ago are coming to life. There is almost always a 30 to 40 page instruction manual written in 50 international languages to go with every house I build. Swell. Just give me the basics to get me started so I can…

What Do You Have In Your Drawers?

I have been involved in designing the cabinetry for “New Cottage” for the past month. Like a kind of play, I’ve been relying heavily on the rehearsal processes for my new life style in the New Cottage in the Woods. As I go through my day-to-day activities, I imagine the process I would take to…

View of the main windows in the living area overlooking the Tualitin Valley- New Cottage in the Woods.

Interior Design Coordination Decisions

Interior design and coordination seem basics enough and easy, right? If done well, I can honestly say that the end result is a spectacular home, a symphony of music from the envelope of warmth upon entering, through the hallways and rooms, one melding into the other, even the bathrooms are a part of the whole…

New Cottage in the Woods - Rick Bernard - Construction - Sheet Rock Stage dryers and heaters.

Buttoning Up the House

We finally have permanent power installed to the cottage. With a few job recess lights and plugged in the electric heaters to help dry out the final costs of sheet rock mud on the wall seams, and what a change! There is a feeling of warmth which I’ve never experienced in any of the interior…

New Cottage in the Woods - Sheet rock litters the floor.

A Bomb Exploded In My House!

This particular stage of the build process is absolutely one of the most difficult to tolerate. You can’t even walk around in the home. The floor is covered with debris. Welcome to the nailing of the sheet rock. Couple this disaster with generally an inability to communicate with the nailing crew. This is a tough…

Do You Cook?

It was time to select the appliances. I am the first one to admit, I make reservations for dinner, rather than prepare food. The microwave is my essential appliance for reheating our left-overs from all those dinner reservations. In this day and age, with the consolidation of the various manufactures, there are only about three…

Lighting lamps and options for Rick Bernard - New Cottage in the Woods

Let There Be Light!

Wiring underway. It’s time to light up the place. I went to the main distributor for light fixtures in Portland, Globe Lighting. Oh my, how things have changed. The new LED sources for lighting are a significant step forward from compact fluorescent, which I disliked greatly. The power and reach of these new fixtures is…

It is Time for the Water Works

Over the years of my constructing homes, one aspect that has been always a secondary thought was plumbing fixtures. My attitude was if it flushed and did not back up it was fine. It took many years and many plumbers and interior designers to get me into a more refined frame of reference when it…